"THE WEEDY-G CSC" it is constituted in Las Palmas, the March 7, 2022,
an association under the Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22,
regulating the Right of Association, and regulations complementary.


Just like when people can go to a bar when they want to consume alcohol, there should be a place where you can obtain cannabis. 

There should be a system for production of cannabis and distribution to consumers that is causing less inconveniences, difficulties and costs. 

There should be a place where cannabis can be enjoyed in a responsible way. 

? What is CSC ?

CSC = Cannabis Social Club

10 common Q&A
"Cannabis social club in spain"

1. Q: What is a cannabis social club in Spain?
A: A cannabis social club in Spain is a private, non-profit organization where registered members can collectively cultivate, share, and consume cannabis for personal use in a controlled and legal environment.

2. Q: How do I become a member of a cannabis social club?
A: To become a member, you usually need to be of legal age (18 or 21, depending on the club), provide valid identification, and complete the club's registration process. Some clubs might have additional requirements.

3. Q: Are cannabis social clubs legal in Spain?
A: The operation of cannabis social clubs exists in a legal gray area in Spain. While personal cannabis consumption and cultivation are decriminalized, the legality of cannabis clubs is not fully defined in Spanish law. Some regions have local regulations that tolerate or regulate these clubs, while others may crack down on them.

4. Q: How are cannabis social clubs different from dispensaries?
A: Cannabis social clubs in Spain are typically membership-based and focused on a communal cultivation and sharing model, whereas dispensaries in places with legal cannabis markets often involve retail sales to the general public.

5. Q: How much cannabis can I possess as a member of a club?
A: The amount of cannabis you can possess varies depending on the club and the local regulations. Generally, clubs follow guidelines that allow members to possess a reasonable amount for personal use, but specifics can vary.

6. Q: Can tourists join cannabis social clubs in Spain?
A: While some clubs might allow tourists to become members, many clubs prioritize local residents. Some clubs require proof of residence or a local sponsor to join.

7. Q: Can I consume cannabis at the club's premises?
A: Yes, most cannabis social clubs have designated areas where members can consume cannabis. These areas are usually private and not accessible to the general public.

8. Q: Can I buy cannabis at a cannabis social club?
A: In most cases, you cannot buy cannabis directly at the club. Instead, members collectively cultivate and share the cannabis grown within the club's framework.

9. Q: Are there age restrictions for joining a cannabis social club?
A: Yes, the legal age for joining a cannabis social club in Spain is typically 18 or 21, depending on the club and the region.

10. Q: What are the responsibilities of club members?
A: Club members are usually expected to contribute to the cultivation and maintenance of the club's cannabis plants. This can include tasks like planting, watering, and harvesting. Members are also expected to follow the club's rules and guidelines for responsible cannabis use.

Please note that laws and regulations can change, and the status of cannabis social clubs may vary across different regions in Spain. Always make sure to research the most up-to-date information before making any decisions.

Code of Conduct for
European Cannabis Social Clubs